Enriched Ag Insights Featured in New App
The app – called INCA Exchange – is a virtual trading hub and exchange market for Native producers.
Billings, Montana – Jun 29, 2023 – Enriched Ag is pleased to announce the inclusion of its insights products in the INCA Exchange app by the Indian Nations Conservation Alliance. The data-driven insights focus on helping producers with grazing management, conservation and supply chain needs. The INCA Exchange app was designed for Native small-scale producers to enhance their participation in local agricultural markets, social connections and resource sharing.
“We are happy to collaborate with INCA’s producers and include our data-driven insights in their app,” said Billy Cook, Enriched Ag’s VP of producer relations. “It is our hope that while producers using the app will enhance their networking and marketing opportunities, they will also find our insights to be a useful tool to optimize their management strategies and improve profitability.”
The insights include a combination of satellite data and machine learning to view forage production at the ranch and pasture levels. Ultimately, ranchers are able to use this information to better understand their ranch’s forages and create sound grazing management plans based on the data. Insights information also includes drought status, precipitation, historical vegetation indices and change in bare ground information. This information, combined with estimates of carbon storage value on the ranch, helps with balancing profitability and environmental stewardship.
“Not only are these valuable insights available to the INCA Exchange app audience, but any rancher can access the insights for free on the Enriched Ag website,” Cook said. “Our free ranching insights products are the first of many projects our company has in development to create better ranching for the future. An upcoming release later this summer is Real-Time Ranching, which will include a more advanced version of our insights that leverages imagery with ranch-wide connectivity.”
Delane Atcitty is an Enriched Ag board member and serves as the INCA executive director. He said the insights are a technology that tribal ranchers haven’t used in the past, but they have been very interested in embracing the technology to improve their operations.
“Particularly with the grazing insights, the information available is important to tribal ranchers I have talked to,” Atcitty said. “The insights help them understand when to retain cattle, purchase hay, sell or retain hay – all of those management decisions they need to make.”
Atcitty added that the INCA Exchange app is not open to the public at large, as it is intended to be a platform exclusively for tribal ranchers to use.
Enriched Ag’s history with INCA extends beyond work with the app. In April 2023, Enriched Ag was selected for a 2022 Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA NRCS). The grant award totaling $584,132 is funding a project with U.S. tribal ranches to help their beef cattle producers manage drought while maintaining conservation and operational goals through sound regenerative grazing strategies.
Up to 250,000 acres and approximately 100 ranchers will be positively impacted as a result of this grant project in tribal areas of South Dakota, North Dakota, Arizona, Utah and New Mexico.
Downloading from the app store is not required with INCA Exchange. The app was designed for use in a web browser. For more information, visit https://inca-tcd.org/exchange. More information about Enriched Ag can be found at https://enriched.ag.
Building Wealth on the World’s Ranches
Enriched Ag is on a mission to unlock the environmental and socioeconomic value of grazing lands. We believe that by making it easier for ranchers to adopt and monitor management practices that support productivity, soil health, and ranch profitability, we can also enable them to meet requirements to monetize carbon sequestered in their land.
Backed by Radical Ventures and Future Ventures, we are a team of seasoned entrepreneurs and experts who have worked at organizations such as Carnegie Mellon University, Google, Intel, Yahoo, and The Noble Foundation.
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Press Contact: Katie Wagner, Director of Communications
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