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Two farmers talk in the field

Enriched Ag: What Sets Us Apart?

Step into the mind of a rancher. Operational thoughts bounce from making enough money…to providing a high-quality product for the consumer…to making necessary improvements before son or daughter take over…to finding enough time in the day to get everything on the to-do list accomplished.

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Cattle Wading

A Tide That Rises

“A rising tide lifts all the boats. If we are moving ahead here in the West, if we are moving ahead in agriculture, if we are moving ahead in industry…then the country prospers.” – John F. Kennedy

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Early Adopters Help Drive Premium Insights Tool

Early Adopters Help Drive Premium Insights Tool

All contributions are useful to meet an end goal. The phrase “every little bit helps” rings true in saving time and money. It can also mean each member of a team offering individual skills and input to take a project from good to great.

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Is There Value in Ranching Beyond the Fence Line?

Is There Value in Ranching Beyond the Fence Line?

Private working lands are the cornerstones on which our nation was built. These lands produce and provide food and fiber to a growing population while sustaining rural economies. They provide many potential conservation benefits, including carbon sequestration, clean water, wildlife habitat and ecological diversity. 

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Data Supported Grazing Management Decisions

Data-Supported Grazing Management Decisions

When it comes to grazing management, the basic questions have always been the same: How much forage do I have on my pastures? How many livestock can I graze? How long should I graze each pasture? Is the health of my grazing lands improving?

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